Thursday, May 23, 2013

Junior "Thesis" @SVA! Marie Antoinette

I finally got around to scanning my Junior "thesis"/Junior project from back in April!

Our theme was "Kings and Queens" and these were our guidelines:

"The most important rule this year is that your character (or characters) MUST BE REAL!  They must have drawn breath!  Therefore legendary, mythic or imaginary characters are not to be used.  However, they do not have to be actual monarchs.  If you wish, you can design projects around those who are the kings and queens of their field: Edison as the king of inventors, Elvis as the king of Rock and Roll, Sarah Bernhardt as the queen of the stage, etc."

We had the entire academic year to complete eight finished works.  I went with a really obscure queen, Marie may have heard about her before, probably not though...

Medium: Dip pen and ink.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In Sam Weber's class, one of the assignments we had to do entailed creating a garden for a deceased individual.  We had to think about what sort of plants, animals, and structures that would be found within.  I decided to go with my grandmother from Brazil and ended being overwhelmed by all of these beautiful memories I have from childhood, of when things weren't complicated, of family, food, and happiness.  So, I made two more pieces to go along with them..and created a mini-series of sorts; simple depictions of my childhood and my sweetest, fondest memories.

I never did work like this...overly obsessive, inundated in patterns, and dots. LOTS of DOTS...but Sam Weber noticed during an in-class assignment, that I seemed to enjoy it and encouraged me to embrace it. Thank you Sam!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Geeks OUT- Drawing with Phil Jimenez

This past sunday I had the privilege of participating in a figure drawing session with Phil Jimenez! It was so much fun.
I got close to 20 pages worth of sketches out of it. Here's one of Super boy! Super quick coloring in Photoshop.

Oh..did I mention the models were dressed as spandex-clad superheroes?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Year at SVA!

Let me start this off with a little bit of a background story.

I went to the University of Connecticut and studied Management Information Systems from 2006-2009. I withdrew and applied to SVA with one semester to go because doing art  and going to art school has been a dream of mine ever since middle school and I could no longer afford to be anything less than completely honest with myself. I NEED art.

Well, I finally decided to take complete control of my life and here I am. First year Illustration major at the School of Visual Arts and I am beyond ecstatic for what is to come. 

Here's some of the work I did this year for my Drawing class.

Affected Landscape:
Detail Shot:

Affected Portrait:

 Detail Shots:

Old Master: Combined Pierre-Auguste Cot's The Storm and Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie.
 Detail Shots:


 Detail Shots:

Portfolio work for SVA!

This is all work I did from Sept. '09 through Dec. '09 in order to apply and get into The School of Visual Arts. All done with India ink and brush.